
Very easy difficulty – 1/5

Daily throughout the growing season, relatively dry in winter

Full sun


Acer Buergerianum

Japan, China, Korea

Green foliage, tints of orange and red in autumn

Suitable for all bonsai styles, except broom
Trident Maple is a deciduous maple native to China, Japan, and Korea. In its natural environment, this tree can grow to 20-30 feet in height and width. The tree can be distinguished from Acer Palmatum by its three-lobed leaves, as opposed to five on the leaves of the Japanese Maple.
The tree has an airy crown of foliage that turn gorgeous shades of yellow, orange, and red in autumn. The trunk is thick and richly textured in peeling orange-brown bark. The roots readily form interesting gnarls perfect for exposed root styles. Trident Maples are often planted with their thick roots clinging tightly around a rock, creating a dramatic look. The bark on older trees become a pale grey which complements the foliage perfectly.
- Packet includes 30 seeds and an electronic Trident Maple Bonsai Growing Guide